Manjishtha (Indian Madder/Rubia cordifolia) is helpful in skin conditions like uneven pigmentation and eczema. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of the dried stem of Manjishtha in blood, skin and urogenital disorders, dysentery, piles, ulcers, inflammation, erysipelas, skin diseases and rheumatism.
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Punarnava (Spreading Hogweed/Boerhavia diffusa) has many ethnobotanical uses. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable. The root juice is used to treat asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhea, rheumatism and encephalitis. In addition, the plant has many pharmacological, clinical and antimicrobial properties.
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Punarnava Vegie Capsules - Kidney health Support. According to Ayurveda, Punarnava is believed to subside all the three doshas i.e Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Each capsule contains 100 mg Punarnava Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Punarnava whole plant (Boerhaavia diffusa) (8:1) (equivalent to 2000 mg of Punarnava whole plant). When assayed these capsules contain Alkaloids NLT 0.1%. The name itself suggests rejuvenation. It mainly acts on the urogenital system by removing the extra debris & strengthens the system.
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Triphala (Terminalia chebula,Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis) is an effective bowel cleanser. It combines the goodness of Indian Gooseberry, Belleric Myrobalan and Chebulic Myrobalan, which work together to produce effective bowel movements. The herbal compound provides overall support for digestion and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at optimal levels. Triphala relieves constipation and regularizes the digestive system, without disrupting the fluid-electrolyte balance in the body.
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Triphala is a powerful rejuvenating and detoxifying formulation that cleanses the colon and supports the entire Gastrointestinal tract, improwing digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination. Triphala helps remove fat deposits and toxins from the intestines. Triphala is rich in natural Vitamin C, abundant in antioxidants and helps balance healthy acid/alkaline levels.
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An immensely popular Ayurvedic herbal formula, Triphala(Terminalia chebula,Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis) is an effective bowel cleanser. It combines the goodness of India. Gooseberry, Belleric Myrobalan and Chebulic Myrobalan, which work together to produce effective bowel movements. The herbal compound provides overall support for digestion and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at optimal levels. Triphala relieves constipation and regularizes the digestive system, without disrupting the fluid-electrolyte balance in the body. The herbs that make up Triphala are found in abundance in India.
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Herbal Hills Triphalahills is a blend of Amla, Baheda, Harde and it is interdependently prepared and traditionally cultivated to ensure premium quality standards. Herbal Hills is one of the renowned manufacturer of herbal supplements and is committed in producing the optimum-quality herbal tablets such as Triphalahills. The standardise Triphalahills 500 mg tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation of 250 mg fruits of Triphala powder and 250 mg fruits of Triphala extract . With various nutrients and beneficial medicinal properties, these tablets may promote healthy digestion.
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